Wahhh..dpt award Top Blogger 2010 gitu..
masalahnye..top ker??hahah
malu tau nk terima award ni..haha..gedik je
ni ade soalan yg harus dijawab...
1) Thank & link the person that gave you the award
tima kasih byk2 utk cik yan yg memilih saya utk menerima award ini..saya berasa amat berbesar hati dan berbangga di atas pemilihan ini dan saya hrp bla bla bla..
bajet bagi speech kt atas stage..hahaha
2) Pass this onto 20 Bloggers that you've recently discovered and think are fantastic!
erkk...mana cukup doploh..lgpn sume kebanyakan yg dlm list aku, si yan tuh dah kasi..ehhe
xpela...mereka2 yg bertuah adalah:
1) fezza
2) farah
3) wadieq
4) mizah
5) ajin
6 - 20) kpd sume followers aku...amek yer korg..jgn segan2 lak..xlarat nk taip sorg2 kt sini..hehe
3) Now contact / comment the above said bloggers, and scream! YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!
insyaAllah..kalo rajin..hahaha
korg2 sume yg tersenarai / x tersenarai kt atas tu, siler amek award ni yer..
YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!!! (aci x camni?heheh)
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