Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sakit Hati

Entry penuh ngan unsur2 kemarahan + emo..
kalo mood korg tgh ceria, better jgn baca..hehe

aku sakit hati btol smlm
sakit hati ngan sikap acuh x acuh, endah x endah, amek mudah
sakit hati smp rasa nk hempuk2 je..
heyyy..kalo xnk, ckp jela xnk
xpayah nk tgk2 lak
i hate last minute decision

mcm aku xde benda lain nk buat kn
nk suh aku tercongok tunggu die decide
kang tetiba kalo decide xjadi, aku gak la yg terkebil2 sorg2
btol la cam entry Rasa Hati aku tu...
aku yg terhegeh2 cari org
tp org tu lgsg xkesah
seriously...i was sooooooo regret to ask u out..

sbnrnye da byk kali jd camni
tp apsal aku ni xserik2 gak?
eee....sakitnyeeeeeeeeeee ati!!!!!!

tau la bz..tau la byk keje
cam aku ni xkeje je gayanye
opss..luper...aku ni kn keje kt opis
dlm aircond..dok ngadap comp je
bknnye ke hulu ke hilir cam die
physically mmgla mentally sgt penat nk melayan manusia yg mcm2 ragam tuh
pastu tmbh lak ngan manusia camni
lg bertambah2 penat

benda yg sepatutnye hepi tetiba turns out to be very stressful
i should learn from the previous lessons..

i hope u read this n read it CLEARLY
u may take it easy..u may see it as nothing
but i do care..i take it seriously
i dun have that much of patience
sumtimes i wish i dun have to see u ever again
just pray that won't happen (only if u really care)

i rest my case.....

p/s: masa entry ni ditulis, still lg xdpt ape decisionnye...arrgghhh..bencii
rasanye die nk tgk ari ni matahari kuar kot timur atau kot barat tp sbb biler bgn pn matahari da terpacak atas kepala, xdptla nk tgk kn..huh..SELFISH!!!!

0 Sweets: